HTB Starting Point- Tier 0 Walkthroughs

HTB Starting Point- Tier 0 Walkthroughs

How to go about earning your flag as a beginner...

Tier0 Machines that you'll cover for starting point:



Meow Meow Machines

  1. What does the acronym VM stand for?

    • Virtual Machine
  2. What tool do we use to interact with the operating system in order to start our VPN connection?

    • Terminal
  3. What service we use to form our VPN connection?

    • openvpn
  4. What is the abbreviated for the tunnel interface in the output of your VPN boot-up sequence output?

    • ssh
  5. What tool do we use to test our connection the target?

    • ping
  6. What’s the name of the script we use to scan the target’s ports?

    • nmap
  7. What service do we identify on port 23/tcp during our scan?

    • telnet
  8. What username ultimately works with the remote management login prompt for the target?

    • Root
  9. Submit the root flag:

    • HTB{b40abdfe23665f766f9c61ecba8a4c19}

Findings & Screenshots:

I started off with a nmap scan and the scan gives us a result of telnet port 23/tcp being open: nmap

Signing in on telnet using “root”, and we find that we don’t need to use a password. Listing the files we find the flag and reading out the file we have the flag we can submit to the task:

